
Engine Reinstall

So with the sump back on, the rocker covers stripped of paint and reinstalled it's time to get the engine back in the car.

With the gearbox off it's a fairly simple job of just lowering it back into the engine bay. 

Once bolted up, here comes the hard bit, getting the car onto the ramps which are on the other side of the garage, so I can install the gearbox. 

In a scene that resembled a World's Strongest Man event (well it is the run up to new year) I managed to push the Stag out onto the soggy wet grass outside and get it to a point that I could connect my 12v winch. (a very useful extra that came with the ramps). 

It was the first time I'd used it, but made getting the car up the slope so much easier. 

Now it's off the ground, I bolted on the clutch and then had to get the LT77 gearbox back on.

There's no more photos for the moment, but suffice to say, even with the ramps giving me 2ft of lift, and having a transmission jack, it still took me 90mins of wrestling (and swearing) to get it bolted up. 

The crossmember is also now back on, so hopefully at some point this weekend I might get it running again. 

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